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Note - this page contains active content for which some browsers will issue a warning. To reveal email links you will need to allow the content. We use this method to avoid email addresses being harvested by webots.
Note. If you are a prospective new member (or a lapsed old member) then go to this page.
We have several members in other countries that are able to handle memberships for us in their local currencies. See the above quick link menu.
Payment for more than one year is not permitted.
It is only after October 31st that you may renew your subscription for the following year. You will see the membership rates for the following year published in the Autumn Sprat and on this site shortly after.
United Kingdom (and DX where there is no local representative).

Cheques: Only cheques drawn on a UK bank may be used and must be made payable to "GQRP Club".
Bank Transfer: You can pay direct into the club's bank account, but you must include your membership number and your name/callsign then we can identify the payment. If we can't identify the sender, we cannot renew your subscription. The bank numbers you need to do this are Sort Code 01-07-44 and our Account Number 04109546. If you need it, the account name is THE G-QRP CLUB, and it is a club/business account. Please double check these numbers when sending us money. If you send it to the wrong place, then we can't renew your subscription.
PayPal: We offer Paypal as an alternative to more traditional methods but please only use the special forms for UK, EU and DX payment. We will ask for an small additional extra payment to offset Paypal charges. This is further explained here.
Do not use the club sales PayPal address for membership payments.
The address label on your SPRAT shows your membership number and your status. The four digit number shows the year end when your subscription runs out. All subs fall due on the 1st January each year.
Please note: For UK members, bank standing orders cost the club only only half as much to process. It is also considerably less work for the membership secretary. Membership is over 4000 - would you want to open this many envelopes? The standing order form is can be obtained from the membership secretary.
Please do not use this unless you know your GQRP club membership number as it needs to be quoted on the form.
Also, please do not use a standing order to join or rejoin the club expecting that we can work out from the limited information on our bank statement who you are. We do not keep old membership records and if you haven't been a member for a while then we won't know just from your membership number where to send your Sprat. Use this process if you are a new member or lapsed member.
The final "do not" relates to where to send the standing order form. The answer is to your bank and not to any club officer. Email Daphne if at all unsure of any of the above.
Please write your membership number on the back of all cheques. You can download a copy of the club submission form (in adobe format) from here. We can now accept payments online - please see
Membership Related Links: Club Services Page. - Club Awards