Quick Links: | Valve Weekend | Countries | 2 Way QRP | CW Novice | QRP Master | G2NJ | Partridge | Gorden Bennet | W1FB | G4STT | Chelmsley | Suffolk | G4DQB Winter Sports | G3RJV Memorial Trophy | Summer Sizzler
Club Awards and Trophies
Each year the club recognises achievements with a range of trophies. We also make recommendations to the RSGB. Further down the page you can read about Awards and Trophies that you can compete for. Finally, you can read about the Rules.
* Note: Look out on the air for QRP operators on these centres of activity.
Every year the GQRP club invites you to participate in activities such as The Suffolk Trophy, The Summer Sizzler.
For time based information about these activities, please visit this external page which our communications manager Enzo M0KTZ will keep current.
If the club callsign is activated you might check here.
The G3RJV Memorial Trophy is the latest addition to our trophies which was awarded for the first time in 2020 to the winner of our Club Construction Competition.
[Link to honour roll]
The G2NJ Trophy.
Awarded annually for the best technical article (non antenna) in Sprat, or for the best contribution to international QRP.
[link to honour roll]
The Partridge Trophy.
Awarded annualy to the member submitting the best antenna article appearing in Sprat.
[link to honour roll]
Gorden Bennett Trophy
Awarded annualy to the member submitting the best practical article appearing in Sprat.
[link to honour roll]
W1FB Trophy
Awarded annualy to the member submitting the best simple article appearing in Sprat.
[link to honour roll]
The RSGB G4STT Trophy
Awarded by the RSGB for a significant contribution to QRP.
[link to honour roll]
Other Trophies.
All logs and claims must be sent to Enzo Nicosia M0KTZ QTHR.
The GM3OXX Trophy (Summer Sizzler).
The Summer Sizzler is a Club activity that runs every year around International QRP Day (17th June), normally for an entire week. This is not a contest, rather a relaxed get-on-air QRP event, an ideal opportunity to meet and greet new and old friends, to test our latest homebrew creations, and to fill the bands with friendly QRP activity.
Several certificates are awarded for contacts made using only homebrew equipment (Busy-Bee), only QRPp power levels (Tiny-Flea), only vintage rigs (Old Beetle), and while operating /P or /M (Iron-Knee). The special Ladybird certificate is awarded to the best log submitted by a member who has been licensed for less than three years.
The best overall log is awarded the GM3OXX Memorial Trophy. Logs to be sent to Enzo M0KTZ <m0ktz@katolaz.net>.
Dates of each year edition to be found in the Club Diary.
The G4DQP Trophy (Winter Sports).
The highlight of the year for many operators is the clubs WINTER SPORTS. This is NOT a contest, but more a gathering of like minded souls on the bands on, or around the QRP frequencies.
This all takes place twixt the Christmas pud and the New Years hangover. To be more precise it runs from Boxing Day until New Years Day inclusive. As mentioned this is not a contest as such, none of the "UR 599, name Fred QSL? QRZ" Have a chat, enjoy the bands.
A question sometimes asked is "How do I know if the other party is a club member"?
Our chairman Steve says "If I work another QRP station I send RU GQRP? If yes, we exchange numbers".
The club position on making any part of the members database available has been consistant over the years.
We will not be doing that. The position was restated as recently as in the Winter Sprat 2022.
The G4DQP Trophy is awarded annually to the best log submitted of QRP contacts during the clubs Winter Sports. All logs and claims must be sent to Enzo Nicosia M0KTZ (via email) by 7th February each year.
The Chelmsley Trophy.
Duration 1st January to 31st December each year. All authorised bands 1.8 - 30MHz, modes CW & SSB. Normal QRP power levels only. Antennas may not exceed 35ft (10m) in height or 132ft (40m) in length. Entrants may change the antenna in use throughout the year but not more than one vertical and one horizontal antenna may be in use at any one time. All antenna must consist of not more than one radiating element without reflectors or directors.
Logs should consist of ....(1) A list of all DXCC countries contacted in alphabetical order of prefixes with below it figures showing the total number of DXCC countries contacted on each band..... (2) A similar and separate list showing all DXCC countries worked on the band using two way QRP.......(3) A note drawing attention to any contacts which by virtue of the very low power used, rarity or any other reason the applicants consider it outstanding......(4) A separate sheet giving details of transmitting, receiving and antenna equipment used during the year and, should the applicant wish a note describing antenna or propagation development / studies carried out during the year.
All logs and claims must besent to Enzo Nicosia M0KTZ (via email) by 15th February each year. At the discretion of the committee a trophy will be awarded for the best log and also a runner-up certificate may be awarded.
Valve WeekendThe GQRP CLub Valve Weekend is held twice yearly in April & November (The dates will be shown in the club diary). This is not a contest, but a weekend of relaxed activity using any valve equipment at QRP levels. This can be commercially made, homebrew or a combination of both.
The weekends encourage members to get their filaments glowing, and we welcome hybrid operations, such as the many 1970/80s transceivers that featured a mixture of valve and transistor technology, a homebrewed combnation of silicon & vacuum or even boat anchors fettled back into life with the addition of a DDS VFO!!
Sensible RS(T) reports are encouraged, along with notes on signal quality and the weekends are a great chance to try the fruits of valve home construction on-air. Logs aren't required, just send a summary of contacts made, equipment used, and any soap-box you'd like to share to Paddy G4MAD. Please try to get this info as soon as possible since the weekends run very close to SPRAT closing dates for submissions.
The Suffolk Trophy.
Annually on the 17th June each year is the International QRP Day. Power and limits as for the Chelmsley Trophy but with operation for six hours only in not more that two periods. Contacts are with any Region 1 country; normal QSO, no serial numbers.
Scoring: Each Region 1 country counts 1 point on each band. The total score is total of IARU countries on the bands used. Only one contact per country per band is allowed irrespective of mode. The other station may be QRO.
Name, address, call, power used, equipment, time, call & band for each contact. All logs and claims must besent to Enzo Nicosia M0KTZ (via email) by 17th July. A trophy to the winner plus runner up certificates.
All logs and claims must be sent to Ryan G5CL QTHR.
Worked G-QRP club award.
Both stations must be QRP, basic for working 20 members and endorsements for each further 20 members.
QRP Countries.
Applicants must be QRP, other stations any power level basic for working 25 DXCC countries, endorsements for each further 25 countries.
Two Way QRP.
Both stations must be QRP, basic award for 10 DXCC countries, further endorsements for each 10 countries.
CW Novice award.
Available to any amateur who during the first 12 months of holding a licence contacts 50 different stations whilst using CW. Send the log, verified by one other licensed amateur with three first class stamps. Class A award for two way QRP contacts, Class B for working stations with other power levels.
QRP Master.
Awarded to any member who provides proof of working... 60 members, 75 DXCC countries, and 20 countries with two way QRP. This is the current QRP Master Honour Roll.
The Rules
This document describes how to claim GQRP Awards.
QRP is defined as not more than 5 Watts output CW or 10Watts PEP SSB.
Confirmation of contacts.
The applicant must hold QSLs confirming all contacts claimed. he/she may either send these cards, together with an alphabetical list of the callsigns, or send this list signed by two other licenced radio amateurs, stating that they have seen and checked the cards on the list.Power Declaration.
The applicant must enclose with his/her application a signed statement that when making the contact his/her power did not exceed the power limits above.Fees.
For each award or endorsement the UK applicants must enclose three first class stamps. AS IRC's are no longer accepted in UK Post Offices we have no current way of funding DX applications.QRP Only.
The whole contact, including primary calls must be at QRP power levels as above. If the contact is established at higher powers and then completed at QRP levels it cannot count for awards.