Club Events Calendar

Please Note. If GQRP members are representing the club at a rally then this is the place to advertise it. Please e-mail Tony G4WIF with the details. If your event isn't recorded here then perhaps you haven't contacted G4WIF?


As soon as G4WIF receives more details for future 2025/26 events they will feature here.



Sunday 12th April - Yeovil QRP Convention
The Yeovil Amateur Radio Club are delighted to announce that the 2025 QRP Convention will be held at Digby Hall, Sherborne on the 12th April 2025, doors open 09.30. Contact Darren 2E0EVU

March 20th - Yeovil ARC (G0FUW speaking on the SCD Project).

4th April at Shirehampton ARC (G0FUW speaking on the SCD Project).

April 12/13th Valve Weekend (see Sprat)

1st May Poole ARS (G0FUW speaking on Home Brew Radio).

July 27th - Wiltshire Radio Rally (GQRP attending)

30-31 August.
Telford Hamfest/G-QRP Convention

November 1st/2nd Valve Weekend (see Sprat)

December 26th - January 1st - Winter Sports. - more information here.