Click if you wanted to pay EU Membership or DX Membership
You will be charged £6 for your years membership plus a small amount to cover the Paypal commission charge which is referred to as "postage" on the next page you see. We are currently only accepting subscriptions for 2025.
(As we progress through 2025, new members will be sent all the 2025 magazines thus far). If new members would like to receive 2024 (or older magazies), then visit our club sales page after joining to order back issues from Dan.
The first (Spring) magazine of the 2025 subscription arrives around March 2025. Regardless when you join, your membership will fall due on the following January 1st.
Existing members
We are currently only accepting renewals for 2025.
(As we progress through 2025, new members will be sent all the 2025 magazines thus far). If new members would like to receive 2024 (or older magazies), then visit our club sales page after joining to order back issues from Dan.
The first (Spring) magazine of the 2025 subscription arrives around March 2025. Regardless when you join, your membership will fall due on the following January 1st.
Wait at least until 1st October 2024 to renew for 2025. (By then we will publish what the membership rate will be). Paying early to avoid a possible price rise is not permitted . Any 2025 membership renewal money sent before then will be returned less the PayPal fees.
Note, if you use the Spam Arrest (or similar) service read this note.
Select One Year.
New Members & Members with an expired (or soon expiring) membership. |
Please note: This Paypal form does not work with Google Translate in "Safe Mode".
If the next screen that you see says "error occurred after you clicked the last link" then return here and read the help page showing how to rectify the problem.
Don't worry that the account is in the name of our treasurer - Graham Firth). The paypal transaction will go to Daphne G7ENA. A callsign (if you have one) is required in the above data field plus existing members should add their membership number. Your delivery address details we will take from Paypal so ensure that this information is correct or update your Paypal account first.
Your payment will always be acknowledged by Daphne G7ENA - to the email address that you have provided Paypal. If you do not get an acknowledgement after 10 days (we do go on holiday now and then) please send Daphne G7ENA an email.
If you have some kind of anti-spam arrangment (like "Spam Arrest") where G7ENA has to register somewhere in order to send you an acknowledgement you may be waiting a long time. If you write to any club officer expecting a reply then it is up to you to whitelist their address or check your filter for a reply. Do not expect us to manage your spam problem for you.