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Club Sales


Please Read First

GQRP is not a business but a club run by unpaid volunteers. You will find on this page contact details, email/postal.
Please remember that we have our own family lives, and although we endeavour to deal with your enquiry without undue delay, you should not expect an immediate response.
Although we will endevour to get your order processed asap, in some cases there can be
delays of 7 to 14 days before your items are shipped, so please be patient with us.

Please also note that all items on this page are reserved for fully paid up members only.

Perhaps due to the low value (which will be stated on the packaging) we seem to get most items direct into the members hands. However, we cannot guarantee that individual countries customs people won’t occasionally make an exception.
We have heard of a case in Holland where an extra charge of Euro 7.21 was levied for a Sprat on a Stick. We are also aware of items being returned to us, due to non payment of local VAT/Tax duties. This is your responsibility, and should you require a refund (assuming we have received the goods back) we will deduct the postage originally charged. Note EU and DX post is for International Standard Shipping, should you require any order to be Tracked, then additional costs are involved, please ask for a quote.
We must apologise to our German members - items we send to Germany are being returned by your customs people - unopened. No one (except them) seems to know why. The UK postal service does not know either, and cannot offer any advice!
We are, of course, using the correct paperwork!

GQRP Club regretfully suspends supply of kits and components to N.I and the EU.
More information here......


The GQRP Club has available three kits.

The GQRP Limerick Sudden Receiver, the Limerick Sudden Transmitter Kit, the matching Limerick Sudden ATU.
Please note that the TX and RX kits are just that, and do not together make a TX/RX as they were designed by George, G3RJV, as separate items.

To read more please click the appropriate item above.

Click to read more Sudden Tx

Click to read more Sudden ATU rear

Spectrum coils.

We now stock these coils which are the replacements for some of the popular 10mm 10K TOKO range. Please look at the component list below for the range we hold in stock. We also have a datasheet.



Due to lack of sales of the Sprat on DVD, we have discontinued this item and from now on, the Sprat archive data will only be available in Sprat-on-a-stick form. This is the 10th generation of the Sprat archive and covers issue 1 to 200. It also contains the 2024 "Sprat Extra" book in PDF form and the special edition of Sprat that we sent to members when George Dobbs G3RJV passed in 2019.
The memory stick data uses standards based html and has been produced in-house. It should work on all computers which have a web browser. We suggest that you copy the entire memory stick contents to your hard drive, and then make a shortcut to the "index.htm" file. The magazines are all in "PDF" format, and you will need either Adobe Acrobat (which is not included but can be downloaded for free from here), or any compatible pdf reader such as Foxit Reader

Price  is £5,  plus postage  £3.15(UK), £6.50 (EU), £9.50 (DX)
For UK members, we suggest that you send an email to Dan requesting one and include your membership number and postal address. He will confirm stock, and suggest that you pay by bank transfer if possible to avoid Paypal fees

We recommend that overseas members do the same, please check with Dan that he has stock, then order the Sprat-on-a-stick using Paypal.
Whatever country you live in you must pay online in UK Pounds with paypal. The currency conversion will appear on your credit card bill at the exchange rate at the time of purchase.

Overseas purchasers, you can use PayPal to order the Sprat-on-a-Stick, but only if purchased directly from the U.K.

Our DX reps do not offer Paypal facilities so please do not request this method of payment from them. 

Members from Spain & The Netherlands please note.
Our EU reps Jon (Spain) and Henk (Holland) are able to take Sprat-on-a-Stick orders ( for their country only) for the price of 11 Euro which includes postage from UK club sales. Please contact our reps direct, but please note this price and service is only available if you are a member of GQRP club. You can join at the same time as ordering.

Members from Australia are able to order Sprat-on-a-Stick from Terry for the price of AU$20 which includes postage. This will be for delivery to the Australia only. Please contact Terry direct - but please note this price and service is only available if you are a member of GQRP club. You can join at the same time as ordering.

Members from the USA are able to order Sprat-on-a-Stick from Bill for the price of $12 which includes postage. This will be for delivery to the USA only. Please contact Bill direct but please note this price and service is only available if you are a member of GQRP club. You can join at the same time as ordering.




Please Note - Component sales are restricted to members only.

Please download our latest component list in Adobe PDF format.

Because of the limited space on the back of Sprat, this list will usually contain more items, and greater detail about them.


Special offers.

Please Note - Special offer sales are also restricted to members only.

Special offers are low quantity items, usually donated by members, but are also obtained by "deals" of low volume items. These are not guaranteed to be in stock for long, but a reasonable time will be left before accepting an offer for single items.

Please wait for your offer to be accepted before sending money!  email Dan

Please download our latest special offer list in Adobe PDF format.

The G3RJV SCD Revisited Project.

This is now being published in Practical Wireless. Commercially made PCB sets are now available to GQRP Club members for £6 plus standard Club Sales postage and packing. Order from Dan just like any other Club Sales items. [Click on Photo to enlarge and see the complete panel].
Click to enlarge

The PCBs will also be available at the Blackpool Rally the Yeovil/Sherborne QRP Convention and our Club Convention at Telford.

Recognising that many Club members will not need the detailed instructions in the PW articles, we have prepared a set of short form instructions.

Those notes include parts lists, circuit diagrams and a few notes to help with specific points.

If you need detailed instructions, please refer to the Practical Wireless articles!

[Many UK public libraries also offer electronic access to Practical Wireless using either the Libby app, Borrowbox or Pressreader. Ask at your local library

PCB orders are limited to a maximum of two panels per member. If you have a specific requirement for a larger number, please let us know what it is and we will work out specific postage and packing costs.



SPRAT Extra is an A4 size book containing 104 pages of George G3RJV's many articles that have appeared in magazines such as Shortwave Magazine and Practical Wireless. It is a special edition magazine celebrating the 50th anniversary of the G-QRP Club and SPRAT magazine. At the present, our postal costs for this book are as stated below.

For USA members. Our USA rep Bill has a small stock of this book which can be purchased locally. The cost is $10 including postage (USA only). Note that Bill does not have Paypal facilities. If that is your payment preference then please order from the UK. Contact Bill to check stocks and discuss payment.

For Australian Members. Terry VK5TM has a limited number. So while stocks last you can order them for $17.50 post paid. Please contact Terry first.


Drew Diamond - Radio projects Vol 1 (Reprinted, with permission, by the G QRP Club).
Copyright 1995 by Drew Diamond, G-QRP Club edition 2014 : The original and first Radio Projects book. We sold a reprint (Orange cover) for a few years in the late 90s. Now we have had a reprint with a matching cover to the other 3 projects books. Power Supplies - Receivers - Transmitters - Antennas - Test Equipment.Drew's books all include circuits and hints on building a variety of projects - there are many B/W photographs, plans and diagrams of lots of projects and much much more. (see postage)


Drew Diamond - Radio projects Vol 2 (Reprinted, with permission, by the G QRP Club).
Copyright 2001 by Drew Diamond, G-QRP Club edition 2009 : More of Drew's projects continued on from volume 1. Nothing is repeated, construction data and plenty of diagrams. Lots of hints - a gold mine of information for the home constructor. (see postage)


Drew Diamond - Radio projects Vol 3 (Reprinted, with permission, by the G QRP Club).
Copyright 2004 by Drew Diamond, G-QRP Club edition 2008 : This third edition has many more projects for the amateur builder. Nothing is duplicated from previous volumes, just much much more of of it. Again all projects are fully described with circuits, diagrams, layouts and construction hints. Another gold mine for the home constructor ham. (see postage)


Drew Diamond - Radio projects Vol 4 (Reprinted, with permission, by the G QRP Club).
Copyright 2008 by Drew Diamond, G-QRP Club edition 2009 : This is the latest volume of Drew's projects. Again, nothing is duplicated from previous volumes - more receivers, transmitters, antennas and much more. If the third edition was a gold mine, this is a diamond mine of fabulous information for all hams whether beginners, or advanced. We defy anyone to read any of the Drew books and go away without lots of hints and tips they had not thought about before. (see postage)


Postage for books. £3.15 UK, £6.50 EU, £9.50 DX.
This is for 1 book, please ask for a quote if you require muliple books.
Apologies for the postage costs - we do not make any profit from postage.

Back issues of SPRAT.
We very few back issues now as they were taking over the store, and as folks were requesting back issues less & less & less, something had to give. We now only keep in back issues that are later than those that are on the Sprat-on-a-stick - memory stick, (currently 200 or later.)
So, if you want an issue earlier than 200, then you should check by e-mail before ordering!
Postage is £3.15 (UK) £6.50 (EU) £9.50 (DX). Please ask for a quote if you require more than one
magazine, or if ordering with other items.

(Again, sorry about the huge postal charges - posting magazines is not cheap!) If you want more than 1 magazine, then you can ask for an exact postage figure.

(US$1.25) each


Sprat binders The original 'nylon string' type back in stock again - this time with 16 strings per binder although with the size of current Sprats, we don't guarantee that you will actually get 16 copies in them! Black with club logo on spine.
Post £3.15 (UK) £6.50 (EU) £9.50 (DX), please ask for a quote if ordering more than one, or with other items.

 £6.00 each


How to Order.

The best way to order is to send Dan an email with a list of your requirements with the current price against each entry. Send it to sales(at)gqrp.co.uk
Dan will reply as soon as he can, with confirmation of which items are in stock, and the postage needed. We prefer payment by Bank Transfer (BACS), cheques, cash or PayPal (in order of preference).

For BACS, the numbers you need are 01-07-44 and 54738210 - THE G-QRP CLUB. (Banks seem to like that our name is all in capital letters, and sometimes do not recognise our name in lower case).
You may also need to know that it is our No2 account and that we use the Rochdale branch.

Although our account is a club account, it is actually a business account and you may need to know this if you are doing a bank transfer.
International bank transfers also work. The codes you will need for this are:

IBAN: GB 78 NWBK 010 744 547 382 10 : BIC: NWBKGB2L : THE G-QRP CLUB No2 account, Rochdale

Payments can also be made by cheques or cash. Cheques must be made payable to "GQRP Club".

paypal We also accept Paypal - please see our page explaining how.
Please note, if paying via Paypal, they are restricting Family and Friend payments now, so if you are unable to use this, please add 7% to your total order to cover their fees.

If you have an order up to £5 total, then we accept cash (UK currency only), UK postage stamps (1st or 2nd class), or UK postal orders by post if you prefer this method. Remember that you do this at your own risk and should be sent to Dan securely.
Please note that due to problems with credit cards they are no longer accepted as a direct payment. We can only accept payments with credit cards via Paypal.
If you are not sure about the postage, or whether the items you want are in stock, you may email Dan first - see below.
Orders may be sent in more than 1 package to keep within postal limits. UK members are asked to pay up to £5 with postage stamps (1st or 2nd class), postal orders (uncrossed), or UK banknotes (please send securely). This cuts down on our bank charges!

You can check stock availability by contacting Dan.

Address orders to:
G-QRP Club Sales
1 Bridge Cottage
Blackpool Sands


Badges. (order from G0EBQ)

click for larger badge photoOne inch metal badge with a bar beneath it showing your callsign engraved in silver on black.These look very nice.To order please print your callsign in block capitals clearly.Delivery is about two weeks.These great badges are £5 each and the matching keyring is just £3.Postage is currently £1.75 (UK),£3.50 (EU) or £4.50 (DX).
You can order direct from Nigel if you send him cash or PayPal to nigel.flatman@yahoo.com,otherwise for BACS,cheque or club PayPal from Dan at Club Sales.


Keyrings. (order from G0EBQ)

A leather keyring with a metal fob with a club badge. These keyrings are £3.00 each. Plus postage - £1.80 (UK), £3.00 (EU), £3.80 (DX). If you would like one, please order as for badges above.




Updated December 2024