General Data Protection Regulations (from May 2018).
The Data Protection Officer for GQRP club will be the Membership Secretary (currently Daphne Neal G7ENA).
The club holds a database of all our member’s names, callsigns and addresses. All data is provided by the member themselves. We do not store email addresses in the club database. If you order items from the club we may use your club record to address your envelope. We record membership payments and we use the database for the posting of our magazine. For this purpose, an encrypted copy of the database has to be sent to the printers, and they have assured the club that they will take great care of our data, and they will not pass any information from it to any third party. Our printers are subject to the same Data Protection regulations as any other UK business.
It is implicit that every time that you renew your subscription, you are giving us active consent to record this activity in the club database. When all subscriptions are due on January 1st each year you will be reminded of this necessity in the Winter Magazine.
If you are unhappy with us holding this information about you, then clearly you cannot, for all practical purposes, be a member of the G-QRP Club and if you contact us we will gladly refund your unused membership fees.
Members Handbook
Many years ago we printed a members handbook once year with a list of callsign, first name and membership number. That was discontinued due to high printing and distributing costs - and general disinterest among the members. Very occasionally there have been rare calls for it to be reinstated - if not in paper form, then as an online database. Even before GDPR this was refused.
It is axiomatic that you join because of the Sprat magazine and therefore your details must be held to mail it to you. It is not at all the case that you therefore must have (even a sub set of) your details made available to other members, If the membership secretary wanted the extra work (and the current one doesn't) then inclusion on an online (or paper) database would have to be on an "opt in" basis in order to comply with GDPR. That would make it both less than complete and less than useful for something that most members wouldn't use anyway.
Neither an online database of members (or a printed version) will be made available - to anyone.
All PayPal transactions are subject to the PayPal Privacy Policy. The GQRP Club employs reasonable administrative, technical and physical measures to maintain the security and confidentiality of any and all PayPal data and information, including data and information about PayPal users when you buy goods or membership subscription.
Access to club paypal accounts and data is strictly restricted to only those club officers that need to have access.