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The GQRP internet forum was founded by members of the G-QRP club as a focus of QRP activity for operators who have access to the Internet in the UK, and further afield.
The forum exists for the discussion of technical matters, QRP operating, QRP events and other QRP-related topics.
There is a simple but strict editorial policy to keep this a QRP forum, not for it to replace, the news groups or any other general discussion forum about amateur radio.
About the forum:
Group Email Addresses
Group Owner:
Or surf over to the web sign up page.
After registering, you can choose whether you prefer individual mailings, or the digest version.
This forum is run with the approval of the GQRP club, however membership of the GQRP club conveys no rights of membership to the forum and GQRP club membership is not a requirement to be a member of the forum.
By virtue of the GQRP forum being moderated, there is clearly some element of censorship in place. Firstly, we ask that you censor your own postings in line with the guidelines you all receive when you sign up (shown below). When postings move outside these guidelines, one of the moderators may rule it "off topic". If that happens there will be no further postings either in support or against, it's simply the way we set up the forum to keep the non QRP "noise" to a minimum.
Moderator announcements are few and far between, and mostly we prefer to have a private word "off line". Public announcements will always be polite as we can make them. We've seen more heavy handed approaches on other internet forums and that's not our style. However, please don't take that politeness as a cue to publicly debate the issue at hand, it will not be subject to further discussion when there has been a moderator ruling.
There are currently two moderators. Tony G4WIF & Graham G3MFJ.
Very simply, please bear these in mind when sending mail to the forum.
No profanities please.
Messages should be of direct interest to QRP
operators. eg:
- Technical remarks and discussions relating to QRP equipment.
- Discussions about QRP operating Announcements of contests, QSO parties etc.
- Discussion of operating achievements.
Anything else which is relevant and might be of interest to QRP enthusiasts. The Moderator will have the final say as to what is considered relevant.
No anonymous postings please and no pseudonyms. If you can't use your name and callsign (if you have one) then don't post.
Additionally, your identity should not be obscured or anonymous. Here are two examples (example 1 and example 2)Also not allowed is the use of email services such as "SimpleLogin" who promote a service offering the ability to "Receive and send emails anonymously".
There will be no posting of links to web sites where the copyright of material held there is unclear. If answering an enquiry and you want to help someone with a link to a site with dubious respect for copyright, then reply direct to the original poster.
If you have a new commercial product -
particularly if it is connected with homebrew and
QRP then we want to hear about it but please don't
post repeat advertisements.
If you want to set yourself up as a seller of
second-hand gear, then EBay is the place for you but
occasional personal ads are welcome.
Please do not post messages about items for sale on
If you aren't sure, then
me off-line.
Discussions about Computers, Computer Viruses and Operating Systems. There are a great many authoritative websites on the internet where advice can be sought and countless newsgroups where the subject can be discussed at length. The GQRP forum is not one of those places.
The forum is not to be used as a public platform to expound your views to the detriment of the other members. There are plenty of places to air your political views. This forum should not be one of them. The forum is not where you go to complain or blow off steam about something, someone, or a business you have had unsatisfactory dealings with. This is a "post positive" forum.
Please do not over-quote when replying, most people
will not need reminding about the message that
preceded it a few hours ago. Members whose memories need jogging can consult the message archive.
Whenever appropriate, reply direct to
the sender (the group default setting) rather than
the forum. Large footers which may be bigger than
some people's postings are certainly not welcome. We
do not need reminding of all your club membership
numbers and inside leg measurement with every message.
Similarly, the kind of legal disclaimers that you
see nowadays on company email must be avoided.
Crossposting: This usually occurs when you see something on another group such as QRP-L and decide to include the GQRP group in your reply to that other group. What then follows is an untidy mess of umpteen previous exchanges of conversations (on other groups) complete with a years supply of chevrons (marking quotes) and the whole thing becomes hard to follow. Worse yet if you read your mail on a portable device with small screen. If you see a topic on another group that you would like to discuss with this one, then please start a new thread.
We also do not wish to see advertisements for your anti virus product or what phone you are using. Please turn these adverts off when posting to the group.
Two issues that you should not raise in the group:
- Making the club members database available (or even a subset). This will not happen for reasons of privacy.
- An electronic version of Sprat (other than the "Sprat on a stick").
However simple you may think this might be, there are all kinds of implications that the committee have considered and have concluded that for now (and the foreseeable future), it would not work for us.
The forum archives can be browsed on the World Wide Web. You will need to have a GroupsIO account and be subscribed to the GQRP forum. Point your browser at
Although Groups offers a files & photo section
we do not allow members to upload files. Instead,
members are encouraged to use their own web/cloud
space. Then they will have to manage the content
rather than leaving it on the club webspace for all
There are countless providers of free cloud space
such as Microsoft/Google/Dropbox.
For queries about the forum, send mail to the owner