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New Zealand. (Nz $30 for 2024) Phil Tarrant ZL2NJ,
My address is Phil Tarrant, 77 Romilly Street Westport 7825 New Zealand.
Phone 0224031096.
Bank details for subcription payments.
Account details :– Kiwi Bank -Account name:- P Tarrant G-QRP, Account No 38 9003 0186315 02
New members who join through the year will receive all the sprats so far (and then later the rest) and your membership then falls due on January 1st (with everyone else).
However, new members who join after 31st October will receive (as a bonus), the Winter Sprat and then the four Sprats of the following year where your membership ends on December 31st of that following year.
It is only after October 31st that you may renew your subscription for the following year. You will see the membership rates for the following year published in the Autumn Sprat and on this site shortly after.
When you pay Phil please provide all the information about you. We need your Name (including first name) address, membership number, callsign and if you have one, an email address.
Membership Related Links: Club Services Page. - Club Awards