Please note: You should not use this to pay your club membership fees.
Please also note - send Paypal club sales payments to and no one else.
Club Sales:
Please first refer to the club sales pages for the items and cost. These lists are kept up to date and if an item is not shown there, then it is probably out of stock. You can email Graham G3MFJ first to check stock, or to confirm the postage.
Please make sure that Graham has your callsign, membership number and postal address.
We prefer payment in GB Pounds please. Your credit card will be debited in your own currency at the prevailing exchange rate. Please note that for club sales we have set a minimum order charge of £5 to ensure that we recover some of Paypal's transaction fees.
Please also note that Graham G3MFJ, will, as a matter of course, always confirm a paypal payment. If you don't get an email after a week has elapsed (in case we are on holiday) please email us direct to check the funds have arrived. Just occasionally, Paypal forget to send an email, or perhaps it may get lost. We do not mind being reminded!