Popular Frequencies.
Remember we don't "own" these popular frequencies but they are a good place to start. The club often has special deals for crystals on these COA frequencies. Don't be put off calling "CQ" on any frequency using QRP. Study the bandplan for other countries. If you want a slow CW QSO, it may be worth calling in the novice segments.
CW: 1.836, 3.560, 5.262, 7.030, (USA also uses 7.040), 10.106, 10.116, 14.060, 18.086 (also 18.096 and 18.106 - digital modes), 21.060, 24.906, 28.060
SSB: 1.843, 3.690, 7.090, 14.285, 18.130, 21.285, 24.950, 28.365.
As an additional note, readers may be aware of the Morse Code club "FISTS". They also have centres of activities, and although they are not a QRP centric and home brew group, it may be worth listening on their popular watering holes.
Centers of Activity text provided for folk who might search for a different spelling.