50 Years Low and Clear

The GQRP Club will celebrate its 50th anniversary in September 2024, with a special on-air activity called "50 Years Low and Clear". All the members are welcome to participate.

The activity is a friendly get-together event, not a contest. Commemorative certificates are available to mark the anniversary (see below), but there are no rankings and no winners.

Activity details

  1. The activity will run between 1st and 30th September 2024. The goal is to contact as many of the "LOW" or "QRP" Special Event Stations that will be active during the month.
  2. The list of Special Event Stations includes all the regional variations of the Club callsign (activation schedule available here):
    • G5LOW
    • GM5LOW
    • Gi5LOW
    • GW5LOW
    • GJ5LOW
    • GD5LOW
    • GU5LOW

    On top of those, there will be seven overseas stations active (click on the corresponding link for info and activation schedule):

    All those stations will run at QRP power levels, and will be active on different bands and modes.

  3. Each QSO on a different band-mode slot with one of those stations is worth one point. So contacting G5LOW on 40m CW and then G5LOW on 40m SSB counts as 2 points.
  4. There are four levels of commemorative certificates available, according to the number of band-mode slots covered, namely: Bronze (5 points), Silver (10 points), Gold (15 points), and Platinum (contacted all the active stations at least once, on any mode).
  5. Chasers can run any power level. Two special chaser endorsements are available, namely QRP (all contacts made with no more than 5W CW/digi or 10W PEP SSB) and QRPp (all contacts made with no more that 1W).
  6. All the logs from stations claiming a certificate must be sent to Enzo M0KTZ m0ktz [AT] katolaz [DOT] net by the 15th of October. Logs must indicate at least Date, Time, Call, Band, Mode, RST, Power Level (for QRP and QRPP endorsements). Digital formats (ADIF/Cabrillo) are strongly preferred but not enforced. An optional description of the station and operating conditions will be well accepted.

There will be prizes available for activators and chasers, kindly offered by our regular SPRAT advertisers and by some members. Prizes will be assigned based on the overall "feeling" of a log, not just on the bare number of contacts! In particular, we will also look at the alignment of the operations to the principles that have guided the GQRP CLub in the last 50 years: simplicity, ingenuity, sharing, homebrewing, and "doing more with less".


Logo for 50 years

The 50th anniversary logo is shown above. Our thanks to Philippe, F5SDT, for the artwork.