The Limerick Sudden is built around two integrated circuit chips; the SA602 and the LM386. Both lend themselves to simple receiver construction; although neither has particularly high performance in that application. Having said that, the Sudden is a remarkable receiver for what it contains. The original Sudden, designed by G3RJV, began life over 20 years ago in SPRAT and was then published in Practical Wireless followed by the "73" magazine in the U.S.A. Since then several versions and modifications to the Sudden receiver have been written up; although very few of them were written by George. The original naming of the "Sudden" had nothing to do with "rapidity" or "hastiness" but was taken from the name of the place where G3RJV lived and worked.
The SPRAT version was available as a kit from Kanga Products. The kit proved very popular with beginners and several groups used it as a training project with young people. There was even a surface mount version; produced for a while by Blue Rose Electronics. In more recent times a version of the receiver was packaged in a tuna tin on a circular printed circuit board and called “The Sudden Storm” by W1REX at
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Download the excellent manual: for the 160m version, for the 80m version, for the 40m version, for the 30m version, or, for the 20m version.
To order your kit please contact Dan
Members Price - only £40.00
Postage and Packaging extra. £4.00 for the UK. £21.00 for DX. Regretfully, not available for the EU and NI.
Note if you are ordering more than 1 kit please ask for a postage quote.